bradygirl_12 Jan 30, 2019 18:57
arrow, jimmy olsen/lena luthor, mr. terrific, the elongated man, supergirl, brainiac/dream girl, ramon cisco, khalil payne/jennifer pierce, black lightning, brainiac/nia nall, harrison wells, curtis holt, tv, black siren, ralph dibny, vibe, tobias whale, bill henderson, painkiller/lightning, nora west-allen, the flash, xs, alex danvers, laurel lance, review, kara danvers
bradygirl_12 Oct 27, 2018 18:31
peter gambi, legends of tomorrow, roy harper, arrow, mr. terrific, lynn stewart, anissa pierce, dreamer, supergirl, brainiac, john constantine, john diggle, caitlin snow, ramon cisco, spartan, lena luthor, black lightning, red arrow, curtis holt, vibe, tobias whale, bill henderson, felicity smoak, khalil payne, the flash, nia nal, killer frost, joe west, painkiller, kara danvers
bradygirl_12 Feb 02, 2017 19:20
timeless, the martian manhunter, dinah drake, julian dorn, ramon cisco, ollie queen, winn schott, wyatt logan, the flash, melinda may, agents of s.h.i.e.l.d., lucy preston, martin stein, black canary, legends of tomorrow, heat wave, arrow, the koenig family, green arrow, jimmy olsen, j'onn j'onzz, supergirl, mick rory, rufus carlin, aida, phil coulson/melinda may, harrison wells, tv, firestorm, vibe, mon-el, the guardian, m'gann, review, kara danvers
bradygirl_12 May 20, 2016 20:49
legends of tomorrow, henry allen, arrow, caitlin snow, ramon cisco, sara lance, tv, black siren, rip hunter, the flash, agents of s.h.i.e.l.d., white canary, laurel lance, quentin lance, killer frost, the atom, review, ray palmer